Coastal Zone Management
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a resource management system following an integrative, holistic approach and an interactive planning process in addressing the complex management issues in the coastal area.
The Indian coast is about 7500 km long and characterized by varied landforms and ecosystems. Coastal regions provide fish, shellfish, seaweeds, and host ports for trading and commerce. Coastal wetlands also store and cycle nutrients, filter pollutants and help to protect the shoreline from erosion and storms. People are attracted to coasts because of their beauty, and thus, provide recreation and facilitate tourism. Hence, we need to ensure robust health of coastal ecosystems through sustainable management, so that they continue to provide various goods and services ICZM is a dynamic, multidisciplinary and iterative process to promote sustainable management of coastal zones. It covers the full cycle of information collection, planning, decision making, management and monitoring of implementation. ICZM uses the informed participation and cooperation of all stakeholders to assess the societal goals in the coastal area, and to take actions towards meeting these objectives.
The CECRT’s group of experts and scientist are working towards the conservation and management of the coastal habitats, ecosystems, landforms, shoreline conditions, water quality, living resources as well as impacts of natural hazards and anthropogenic activities on coastal environment.
Our team focuses :
- Wetland (Mangrove) restoration and conservation
- Measuring and monitoring the coastal resources
- Shoreline changes and adaption measures
- Studying the coastal aquifers and waterbodies
- Coastal community awareness and adaption
- Coastal agriculture